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Q: What are everyday uses for ultraviolet rays?
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What animal see ultraviolet rays?

Bees can see ultraviolet rays.

Who discovered ultraviolet rays?

Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet rays

Are X-rays and Gamma rays higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Yes, X-rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays.

Do both x rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

Both Gamma Rays and X Rays have a much high frequency that Ultraviolet Rays.

What wavelengths just a little higher than ultraviolet rays are called?

Wavelengths just higher than ultraviolet rays are called X-rays. X-rays have shorter wavelengths and higher energy than ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet rays are visible or not?

Ultraviolet rays cannot be seen or felt. Ever had a sun-burn? I say UV rays can be felt.

What uses ultraviolet rays?

Ultraviolet rays are used in various applications such as sterilization of medical equipment, curing of inks and adhesives, and in some types of air purification systems. They are also used in forensic investigations, tanning beds, and some types of photography.

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet rays?

This statement is incorrect. Infrared rays have a longer wavelength than ultraviolet rays. Infrared rays have wavelengths longer than visible light, while ultraviolet rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light.

What rays can permanently damage skin?

Sun Rays ^-^

Which rays are used in burglar alarm?

Ultraviolet rays

What is another name for ultraviolet rays?

UV rays.

Does gamma rays have a higher frequency than ultraviolet ray?

Yes, gamma rays have a higher frequency than ultraviolet rays. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Ultraviolet rays have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies compared to gamma rays.