You could read a silly question and actually laugh so hard that you fall out of your chair and bruise, strain, or break a body part.
There are numerous dangers to online dating. They can range from being scammed out of money to being tricked to believe that someone is not who they say they are.
Online trading has many dangers. Such dangers might include fraud, damaged products and merchandise, credit card information theft and many other dangers.
Some dangers to hedgehogs are predators, being run over by cars, being attacked by other hedgehogs, having to deal with enviromental temperature, along with enviromental dangers.
additiveidentity thiefHacking and Password Finding
o.O dieing
you could get attack by a liger
Being captured and killed
The dangers are the risk of falling off, being crushed, and trampled. It is a guarantee that if you are a jockey you will break your collar bone at one point in your career.
The dangers involved in scheduling an online meeting with a stranger include not knowing who the stranger really is and what their real motives are. So always wear Iron underwear to be safe.
Some of the dangers of chatting online include issues of safety. One's privacy may be adversely effected, one may be bullied and one's finances may be comprised by malicious individuals.
the panda is giant pandas dangers of been endangered is habitat loss and being shot for their fur.