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I think it really depends on the type of relashonship you and the girl share. If you are already together, she should assume you two will attend as a couple already. If you and the girl are on a friendly basis and you know she isnt going with anyone, then it's best to ask who she is going with... When she says "No-one," or "just my friends" ask her if she would like to go with you. Lastly, if you and the girl don't speak, or she doesnt know you... you should ask her friends, or people that know her if she has a date. If she doesnt, I would start taking to her a little more, and try to get to know her for a few weeks before you ask.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are sooo many cute ways. just think of something that going with how he asked you. Im sure if he asked you he would love an answer... (:

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Q: What are cute ways to say yes to a prom date?
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How do you ask a girl to prom?

You just go right on up to her and ask her if she is going to prom if she says yes then ask if she has a date if she says no then you say "well do you want to go with me?" then if she says yes to that you did everything right and as a bonus you got your self a prom date!

What a cute way to ask a girl to prom?

do it in stages.. start with putting a note in her locker from "a secret admirer". a day or two later some flowers\chocolate. next you send her a note to meet you somewhere nice like a park or the beach. use a friend to help you and set up rose petals that will say "prom?". you can even make it a date before prom.. it might make prom more fun later :) too many chickflicks for me :D

What is a cute way to ask a girl to prom?

make sure you know her very well know what she likes and what she doesn't. be with her long enough to know she won't say no. then you could go out to a skating a rink and after a day ask her to prom and that u wanna make a baby

What are some cute ways to ask a guy to prom?

well it depends on ur current relaionship with the guy if ur friends u ask him urself! if not flirt with him give him a cheeky smile but not all the time otherwise he will think your a geek.GO FOR IT ASK HIM OUT! If your afraid of him rejecting you then u could say it was a dare if your worried about getting made fun of or say ow well and act like you dont care.If he is in a relationship then dont even try u look desparte! good luck

What do guys usually say if they like you after the first date?

"I think your cool," or "You're really cute."

Did Justin Bieber and alyessa date?

they dated alright! people say that she was his first, cute couple

What color tie should you wear to match your date's red prom dress?

A navy blue or gray tie would complement your date's red prom dress nicely. These colors will provide a stylish contrast without clashing with the red dress.

How do you attract a girl that you like?

well u could be urself and do what other ppl sayy or you can go up to her and be a bad boyyy example: u dont have a date to the prom go up to a girl and say: "u me the prom at 7:00" and she will say: "ok" and smile

What should i say when a guy said your cute?

u should say " I know,wanna go on a date?" and if he says no smack him in the face.

Is this a corny way to ask a girl to prom or cute i was going to buy a goldfish or some type of fish and put it in a bowl and have a underwater sign say your the only fish in the sea for me prom?

Well I think it's a great idea. Though I would suggest to only do it if you know the girl and she likes fish or, if your school's prom theme has something to do with the sea.