Did you bruise your finger in any way? Usually, blood from damaged blood vessels deep beneath the skin collects near the surface of the skin resulting in what we think of as a black and blue mark. Like the bruise you get after getting your finger caught in a door.
A fresh bruise may actually be reddish. It will then turn blue or dark purple within a few hours. If it's still painful after a couple of days you may want to consult a medical professional
The disease can be Melanonychia caused due to increased production of melanin by melanocytes in the nail matrix.
Yes, fingernails have germs under them.
I guess it means that you scrached your skin in your sleep ! and dead skin cells are that black think under your fingernails
liver cleanse
were black not where black.Tthey appear black because the skin under the nails have no more circulation.Hemolyzed blood appear to be black,no more Oxygen.
Some premature babies get dark colored or black fingernails because of the lack of fat under the skin which causes the skin to discolor. This can also be due to a lowered amount of oxygen in the extremities shortly after birth.
fingernails shouls not curl under or it just depends on how you would like your nails
This might be because you dont drink enough milk !
By getting enough sleep usually ...
Most scratches from fingernails leave red marks where the scratch occurred.
yes it is
Marks on fingernails usually indicate a vitamin deficiency and are not a sign of cancer.