

What are bad effects of weed?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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It's make you high

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Q: What are bad effects of weed?
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Is it all about the weed?

Yes, it is all about the weed if you dont want bad side effects. crack is better of course GTFO crack head !

Can LSD be mixed with weed and smoked in a bong?

Yes, it is physically possible to mix LSD with weed and smoke it in a bong. However, the effects of smoking LSD are not well understood, and combining it with weed could potentiate the effects and increase the risks of a bad trip or negative side effects. It is not recommended to experiment with this combination due to the unpredictable nature of mixing drugs.

Is it bad to swallow weed?

Swallowing weed will not cause harm, but it may lead to an upset stomach or nausea. The effects will be less intense compared to smoking or other methods of ingestion. It is not recommended due to the unpredictability of dosage and potential discomfort.

What are the good effects of smoking weed?

there are no good effects.

Where do you get food for weed?

Well weed is sold by local dealers that are found in some areas in your neighbourhood. I won't recommend getting and smoking some cause it is damage to your system and it has bad effects on the body.

Is smoking weed bad if you have gastritis?

yes. whenever i take weed i have bad problem

Weed smoking is bad for health?

Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits

In reality is weed actually bad What are some long time effects Please explain thoroughly?

There is evidence that using marijuana has long term effects on the brain such as short term memory loss.

What is bammer weed?

bad, low quality weed.

What are the effects after you smoke weed?

You get high.

Is it bad to smoke weed with MS?

It is bad to smoke weed.

What is rat weed?

"Rat weed" is a colloquial term used to describe certain invasive weed species that are commonly found in urban environments or around human settlements. It is not a specific botanical term and can refer to different types of weeds depending on the region.