Anibiotics are pills or other medical perscriptions given from a doctor to you to help heal either one thing or another.
Maybe you should ask your doctor for a referral to a sinus expert.
Take your dog into the vet to have a checkup. Sometimes they will lose hair because they are under stress, but its always good to take extra precautions. If you have her on any anibiotics for some sickness, I recomend asking your veterenairian if there is another medicine you could use. Look on the bodle and see if it has any sideaffects. Good luck with your dog and puppies!
To be honest you cant have a clear face until you grow out of acne! :( A few months ago my mum took me to the Dermatologist and that has worked wonders!! he has given me 2 types of creams and a form of anibiotics. If your not keen on going to the Dermatologist i suggest using the basic things like Clearasil or just types of facewashers. You dont have to believe me but PROactiv to me is useless, dont listen to what the people of TV say, remember they get paid (; as muchh as i love justin bieber. Hope this Helped. ex oh ex oh
To be honest you cant have a clear face until you grow out of acne! :( A few months ago my mum took me to the Dermatologist and that has worked wonders!! he has given me 2 types of creams and a form of anibiotics. If your not keen on going to the Dermatologist i suggest using the basic things like Clearasil or just types of facewashers. You dont have to believe me but PROactiv to me is useless, dont listen to what the people of TV say, remember they get paid (; as muchh as i love Justin Bieber. Hope this Helped. ex oh ex oh
Kingdom Monera plays a crucial role in various ecosystems as decomposers, breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients. They are also important for nitrogen fixation, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for other organisms. In the field of biotechnology, some bacteria from Kingdom Monera are used in processes like fermentation, genetic engineering, and the production of antibiotics.
If you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of your pet after neutering it would be a good idea to speak with your local vet. Most vets are happy to give advice by telephone prior to consultation; they'd much rather do this for free than have to deal later with the consequences of inaction on the part of pet owners. Ring and speak with your nearest vet, who will explain the issues to you. If they are unwilling to do so, ring another vet, who might prove more considerate. Like all doctors, veterinary scientists differ markedly when it comes to giving their time in the interest of patients or potential patients. Regardless of the time-availabilit of your nearest vet, if your pet is female, don't put it off. The last thing you want is to have to take a pregnant animal along to the vet to undergo a potentially dangerous operation. Get it done now. Have you heard tales that females should have a litter before being spayed? These are simply stories from some people's sentimental point of view which have nothing to do with the reality of how a dog looks at life. This very odd view seems not to take into consideration the feelings of the mother dog who, having fulfilled what humans consider her destiny, wakes to find her pups taken abruptly from her. Does she understand her babies are gone because they're becoming a nuisance to the humans? Of course not. Then, she pines. Your female dog, if neutered before she ever mates, will not pine for the pups she never had. She won't get fat (unless she's badly fed), and she won't try to adopt local cats as puppy substitutes or, if she does, it'll only be in the same way all dogs of either sex like to have cuddly toys. Male dogs like to make nests, given the opportunity - it's a dog thing - and to hoard special cuddly toys. This does not mean they're deprived of fatherhood, it's simply a pack instinct. It's the same with females. Discuss the situation with a vet; the outcome will be good for you and your pet. Spaying and nuetering are surgical procedures, moreso for the bitch. Each are painful and invasive, so expect a week of lethargy while the dog heals, and pain control. If you can't keep an active dog down until the surgical incision heals, discuss with your vet the possibility of using diphenhydramine -- completely safe and usually used as an antihistimine, but also one that makes you or the dog sleepy. The goal here is VERY light activity for the dog until the wound heals. Again, during this time, you'll be concerened with the dog's recuperation which means you'll see to pain meds, anibiotics, sleep meds if needed, inspect the wound, make sure clean water and food are available, and -- if I didn't mention it before, the dog should be kept indoors during this period. After 9 days or so, you'll be asked by the vet to come in for a wound check, where the wound will be inspected. If all's well, any remaining sutures will be removed, and new prescriptions issued as needed. You should still keep the dog in the house until fully healed. Bitches like a tummy rub where you massage the scar (and coincidentally try and break up any hard scar formation to make for a more supple wound). ANd of course the dog likes this :} After recuperation is complete, you'll find male dogs will be less combative. This doesn't mean they lose personality - -they don't. It means they'll be less likely to get into dog fights, raise your vet bills, and God forbid sustain serious injury. Also, they're at a lower risk for many cancers. For female dogs, expect a lot of the same -- they're less aggressive, show less incidence of cancer, and will not attract male dogs while they're in estrus (as estrus is no longer a factor). Overall, neutering dogs increases their life span.