Large, slow brain waves associated with relaxation and falling asleep.
Alpha Waves was created in 1990.
Alpha waves :)
No, they are unrelated. Alpha and beta radiation are particle streams, not waves. And gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.
Alpha waves occur in the brain when a person is relaxed and not actively thinking. They typically fall in the frequency range of 8-12 Hz and are often associated with a calm and meditative state.
The four main types of brain waves are alpha, beta, theta, and delta. Alpha waves are associated with relaxation and wakefulness, beta waves with focus and alertness, theta waves with deep relaxation and meditation, and delta waves with deep sleep and unconsciousness.
Alpha waves are bent Gamma waves are not affected Beta waves are not bent
alpha waves
Alpha radiation is not electromagnetic. It's a stream of helium nuclei.
Alpha brain waves are associated with meditative states, visualization, and idleness of your optical system. Each time you daydream, relax, meditate or even close your eyes, alpha activity increases. If you are depressed, you may have excessive alpha brain waves in the left-hemisphere of your brain. Also, if alpha is found to be high in frontal parts of your brain, it may be causing depression, ADD/ADHD, or another disorder. Alpha brain waves are known for connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.
Weak radiation waves. Spelled alpha btw. Anyway, when a radioactive substance decays alpha rays it is very weak radiation, not even enough to penetrate human skin.
The brain produces four distinct types of brain waves--delta, theta, alpha, and beta.the more relaxing alpha (8-13 Hz) and theta waves (4-9 Hz).are usually associated with deep, meditative states