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Q: What are agents in our environment that cause arousal of ones mind and body?
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Which term is defined as the internal change of arousal of both the mind and body as a result of an external event?

Affective response is the term that refers to the internal change of arousal of both the mind and body in response to an external event. This can involve emotions, moods, and feelings experienced in reaction to stimuli from the environment.

Pathogens are micro-organisms that fight disease?

No. They are microorganisms that cause disease.

Endogenous infectious agents arise from microbes that are?

naturally present or originate within the host's body, such as bacteria or viruses. These agents can cause diseases when they disrupt the body's normal functioning and immune response.

How do pulmonary agents affect the body?

Pulmonary agents can affect the body by acting on the respiratory system. They can cause bronchoconstriction, inflammation, or other changes that impact lung function and breathing. Long-term exposure to these agents can lead to respiratory diseases and other health problems.

Do you need sexual stimulation with cialis?

Those medications are not meant to be 'aphrodisiacs' in the sense that they will give you sexual arousal; arousal is still your job. The medications help your body respond to arousal as you normally would, or would like to.

What is pharmacodynamic agents?

Pharmacodynamic agents alter body functioning.

What kind of function is sexual arousal?

Sexual arousal is a physiological response that involves increased blood flow to the genital region, leading to feelings of sexual excitement. It is a complex process involving a combination of physical, emotional, and psychological factors to prepare the body for sexual activity.

Is a flu virus a type of disease?

Flu viruses cause disease, they cause influenza (flu). They are the infectious agents of the flu. The viruses are submicroscopic organisms that infect your body and that give you the influenza, the disease.

What three things can cause a mammals body temperature to change?

The temperature of the environment, being sick and physical activity

Attacks muscles of the body?

nerve agents

What diseasecausing agents such as viruses bacteria and worms called?

Disease-causing agents like viruses, bacteria, and worms are called pathogens. They can invade the body and cause illnesses by disrupting normal bodily functions and triggering immune responses.

What Scenarios Would A Person Experience An Increase In Blood Flow?

Exercise, sexual arousal, and embarrassment can all cause increased blood flow to different parts of the body. Increased blood flow to the digestive organs happens after a meal.