alcohol is a depressant, which affects mood, and a drug that affects impulse control and inhibitions.
Drinking alcohol in moderation is associated with better health and longevity than either abstaining or abusing alcohol.
It is not legal in Alberta to drive a motor vehicle with an open container of alcohol. This law also affects the passenger who is drinking alcohol.
There are many positive effects of drinking alcohol regularly and in moderation. Two very important ones are better health and greater longevity.
Alcohol affects the cerebellum which leads to loss of body balance.
In alcohol rehabs, people learn to withdrawal from alcohol by talking about the bad news associated with drinking and how it affects family and friends and social life.
Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.
Alcohol affects liver function all by itself. Prednisone and alcohol can cause liver and pancreatic damage, as can prednisone alone.
Drinking alcohol in moderation is fine.Safety becomes an issue when we over indulge.Alcohol affects our ability to concentrate and focus on what we are doing.For example it becomes dangerous to operate machines, drive cars, or even walk.
Drinking affects the brain, kidney, and the liver.
Alcohol affects the brain first, which is where your balance and equilibrium organs reside. So naturally, alcohol makes your balance much worse and can also affect your decision making.
People can easily become intoxicated when consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol affects each person differently but there are general guidelines as too how many drinks causes one's blood-alcohol level to be too high to operate a vehicle. Drinking on an empty stomach or drinking quickly can cause intoxication rapidly.