No, because yogurt is not a diuretic. It is natural though.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural diuretic.
no however they are high in fiber and potassium, for a natural diuretic try a lemon
Watermelon is one of the best diuretic fruits you can eat.
Bananas are a natural diuretic
Yes, orange juice is a diuretic because it contains natural sugars and potassium, which can increase urine production in the body.
Lemons have numerous healthful properties including being rich in vitamin C and treating high blood pressure. In addition to the other benefits, lemon is a natural diuretic.
Cyber Vitamins is a great website to buy many types of vitamins and supplements including all natural vitamins. The great thing about cyber vitamins is they guarantee all their products.
Natural vitamins and regular vitamins are good because they both have the same ingredients. There really isn't a big difference in either one, vitamins from food is best.
Pineapple is not known as a diuretic in average serving sizes. As a bromelain, it does act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Most natural vitamins are safe to take, but if you are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant, you need to be careful then because there are some vitamins that can be harmful to the fetus.
In the absence of disease or disorders, the best natural diuretic is water itself. The more water that is consumed, the more water will leave the body. Other non-prescription diuretics are caffeine, asparagus, spinach, pumpkin, and nettle tea.