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collagen vascular disease in mother

sinus bradycardia

structural Heart disease

apnoea of prematurity

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12y ago
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13y ago

sinus bradycardia

apnea of prematurity

mother having collagen vascular disease.

structural heart disorders in baby

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Q: What are 4 causes of bradycardia in the neonate?
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Cranial nerve involved with slowing the heart?

Vagus nerve; excessive stimulation causes bradycardia.

When was Biology of the Neonate created?

Biology of the Neonate was created in 1959.

What is the combining vowel for bradycardia?

There is no combining vowel in bradycardia.

What is the medical term pertaining to a slow heart rate?

Bradycardia (brady = slow + cardia = heart) is when the heart beats slower than 60 beats per minute. Causes of bradycardia include advanced age, hypothyroidism, drug overdoes, coronary artery disease, and others.

What does the medical abbreviation sv bradycardia mean?

SV bradycardia means supraventricular bradycardia - a slow heart rate generated by sinus node.

How can you fix bradycardia?

Bradycardia can be managed by addressing the underlying cause, such as medication adjustment, treating an electrolyte imbalance, or addressing a thyroid disorder. In severe cases, a pacemaker may be required to regulate the heart rate. Consulting with a healthcare provider is important to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

How do you calculate tidal volume for a 1.4kg neonate?

How do you calculate tidal volume for a 1.4kg neonate?Read more: How_do_you_calculate_tidal_volume_for_a_1.4kg_neonate

What does neonate mean?

Neonate refers to a newborn baby, typically up to four weeks old.

Can photo therapy cause riboflavin deficiency?

yes , photo therapy causes deficiency of riboflavin, neonate need to be supplemented with this along with photo therapy. AI.

What medical term that describes a newborn during the first 4 weeks after birth?

an infant or baby come to mind

Bradycardia Is bradycardia life threatening?

Brady Cardia can become life threatening if it is ingested in the human body.

Neonate's rating score?
