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Fire extinguisher and a refrigerator

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Q: What are 2 fluid technologies that make the use of air?
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Fluid technologies that make use of air?

Fluid logic.

What two fluid technologies that make use of air?

desk chair and air compresser

What are two fluid technologies that make use of air?

desk chair and air compresser

How do people use fluid technologies?

People use it for their plumbing, the air brakes on trucks, hydraulics, etc.

What two fluid technologies make use of water?

The Two Fluid Tecnologies That Make The Use Of Water Are : Fire Estingwisher & Refrigirator :)

What is a pneumatic fluid?

Air. Pneumatic systems use compressed air.

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How can you make fluid flow up a straw?

One way to make fluid flow up a straw is by creating a vacuum by sucking on one end of the straw. This reduces the air pressure inside the straw, allowing the higher external air pressure to push the fluid up the straw and into your mouth.

Why transports use air brakes?

Because there is no risk of fluid loss - air is in constant supply.

Do air brakes use brake fluid?

No, they use air pressure or actually the lack of air pressure to stop the vehicle. The brakes are fully on until pressure builds up in the tank releasing the brakes. When you push the brake pedal this removes air from the system and applies the brakes.

What is Brake fluid use by date?

Brake fluid is hydroscopic. It absorbs moisture out of the air. That gives unsealed brake fluid a shelf life.