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Q: What alpha-keto acid produce when alanine undergoes transamination?
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the undergoes mitosis to produce gametes

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Sucrose undergoes hydrolysis to produce glucose and fructose.

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the hydrilla produce bubbles when added baking soda because, the bubbles are the oxygen that the hydrilla produce, while it undergoes the process of phtosynthesis in the water.


The gymnosperms produce megaspores and microspores. A microspore is the male spore and megaspore is the large female spore. The microspore undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular male gametophyte. These male gametophytes are the pollen grains that are contained inside short pollen cones. The megaspore is the large female spore that undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular female gametophyte that is housed in a large female cone.

If silver chloride undergoes extensive photodecomposition before you weigh it will your results be high or low?

Photodecomposition is any photochemical reaction that results in the decomposition of a substance. Therefore, if silver chloride undergoes extensive photodecomposition, weighing it will produce low results.

What is the function of the spore of gymnosperms?

The function of the spore in gymnosperms is to serve as a reproductive structure that can develop into a gametophyte. The spore undergoes mitotic division to produce a multicellular gametophyte, which then produces the gametes (sperm or eggs). The fusion of these gametes gives rise to the development of the next generation of gymnosperms.

A cell with a diploid number of 20 undergoes meiosis. this will produce?

It will have 4 daughter cells and 10 chromosome per daughter cell because the number of chromosomes you start with is doubled and then divided by four.

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Phosphorus-32 produces sulfur-32 by negative beta decay.

When matter undergoes a physical change does it produce a different kind of matter?

well the reason they do that is to see that if there are a lot of those kind of animals or if there is more of them.

Is methane is used to produce chloroform?

Yes.There is a series of industrial, chemical reactions that begins with methane.Methane undergoes a gradual chlorination to give chloroform.

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When an organic molecule such as methane or ethanol undergoes complete combustion (in the presence of oxygen) it produces Carbon dioxide and water.