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Q: What alert-driving techniques has a long-term effect on fatigue?
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Yes. Death, which is permanent.

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Which type of fatigue is the effect of stress or illness?

Pathological Fatigue

In western Europe a longterm effect of the invention of Gutenberg's printing press was that the?

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What was the longterm effect of the bleeding kansas problem?

It was proof that the slavery debate would never be settled except through bloodshed.

How does the effect of alcohol while boating compare to effect while on land?

The effect is increased while boating

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How does exercise effect muscle fatigue?

There are various ways through which exercise will effect muscle fatigue. This will enhance blood circulation which will deliver more oxygen to the fatigued muscles. Exercise will also cause lactic acid to be released.

What diseases and disorders will effect the stomach?

the diseases are : pain fatigue cramps heart attack

What is the effect of bleeding?

Anemia or low red blood cell count causes fatigue and dizziness.

How does smoking harm you?

if you smoke it lead to Effect of smoking shorterm *shortness of breath *headache *dizziness *yellow skin *loss of hair *become really sinky Effect of smoking Longterm *lung cancer *stomach ,mouth ,throat cancer *impotemie