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Q: What age of Giardiasis group does it effect?
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How do you pronounce Giardiasis?


Where is giardiasis most common?

Giardiasis is most prevalent in Eastern Europe.

What is the scientific name for giardiasis?

The scientific name for giardiasis is Giardia lamblia.

How can giardiasis be prevented?

The best way to avoid giardiasis is to avoid drinking untreated surface water, especially from mountain streams.

What is gardia?

I'm not sure what "gardia" refers to. It could be a misspelling or a term that is not widely recognized. Can you provide more context or clarify your question so I can better assist you?

How does giardiasis move?

Giardiasis is caused by a parasite called Giardia lamblia, and it is typically transmitted through contaminated water or food. The parasite is ingested and then spreads to the small intestine where it reproduces and causes symptoms such as diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues. Proper hygiene, such as washing hands thoroughly and purifying drinking water, is important in preventing the spread of giardiasis.

What is giardiasis also called?

Beaver Fever

How many tablets are used to prevent giardiasis?


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Just a few questions: * Which war? * Which areas of the US? * Which age group, economic group, etc.? * Who's lives effected and how were they effected?

How many iodine tablets are used to prevent giardiasis?


What age group does food poisoning mostly effect?

I would have to say babies-toddler years since they aren't fully developed.

How is acute giardiasis treated?

Acute giardiasis can usually be allowed to run its natural course and tends to clear up on its own. Antibiotics are helpful, however, in easing symptoms and preventing the spread of infection.