Some professions such a police, have a mandatory age retirement but most occupations do not.
The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.
ronaldinho will never retire
the senate has to retire at the age of 75.
at the age of 123
There is not set age for when a doctor is suggested to retire. The rule of thump is always that a doctor must retire when old age effects his or her performance.
We do not know what age Chris Brown plans to retire because Chris Brown has never said anything about when he plans to retire or that he plans to retire anytime soon.
the average reirement age
You can retire at any age providing you can afford to do so. You will not receive any benefits until you reach the legislated retirement age of the country concerned.
There is no set age at which women can retire from the US Armed Forces. Both men and women can retire after 20 years of active service.
The age set by the government for retirement in Canada is 65, although it is not compulsory to retire at this age. Many people work past this age and many people may retire early due to various reasons.
No official age