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Q: What Three opportunities that are open to women today that were once limited to men?
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How did women's roles and opportunities differ in the 1950s from women's roles today?

The way the women's roles and opportunities in the 1950s differ from women's roles today is in the 1950s women roles was mostly raising a family and housekeeping. Today, women play a part in public offices and workplace and person growth/community.

The leadership role of women in social movements was likely an effect of?

Limited opportunities available to women in other areas of public life. Answer this question…

What were the conditions of the women in the past?

In the past, women often faced limited rights and opportunities compared to men. They were expected to primarily focus on domestic roles such as caregiving and homemaking, and were frequently excluded from education and employment opportunities. Women also had limited control over their own lives and faced societal expectations that restricted their freedom and autonomy.

Which of the following describes an experience wealthy and poor women shared during the Industrial Revolution?

Economic and social customs limited opportunities for all women to live independently.

How did the lack of educational opportunities hurt women?

It often limited their career choices, and reinforced false gender stereotypes that women weren't capable of doing and being more.

Amerindian women compared to women of today?

todays women can go in public but the ameridian women could not. women today cannot be taken away and just be given away unlike the ameridian women. women today can be with anyone but the ameridian women were limited to only men. now women can do whatever they please other than ameridian women.

Why are women so successful today in different occupation?

Because society, and culture excepts women to work and have equal opportunities as men, if not more in my opinion.

How did lack of equal educational opportunities hurt women?

It often limited their career choices, and reinforced false gender stereotypes that women weren't capable of doing and being more.

How did the lack of equal educational opportunities hurt women?

It often limited their career choices, and reinforced false gender stereotypes that women weren't capable of doing and being more.

Women in the 1200s?

Women in the 1200s had limited rights and opportunities compared to men. They were primarily confined to domestic roles, such as managing households and caring for children. Women's status and power varied depending on their social class and family background.

Why does Wollstonecraft believe that women are not virtuous?

Wollstonecraft believed that women were not virtuous due to their limited education and opportunities for personal development. She argued that society's expectations and restrictions hindered women's ability to cultivate virtue and achieve moral excellence on par with men.

How were unmarried women treated?

Unmarried women were often marginalized in society and faced limited opportunities compared to married women. They were sometimes seen as a burden on their families or were stigmatized as spinsters. Unmarried women often had less financial security and social support than their married counterparts.