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Q: What Substance abuse and addiction have been called public Health enemy number one true or false?
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Substance abuse and addiction are called?

Drugs are public enemy number one.

Have Substance abuse and addiction been called public health enemy number one?

Yes, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, has made this claim. Its founder Joseph A. Califano JR. argues this point rather succinctly in his book High Society: How Substance Abuse Ravages America And What To Do About It.

What is the number one addiction in north America?

Food, Obesity is the #1 health issue facing North Americans. This is an Addiction to food.

What does an Avogadro's number of a substance is called a mole mean?

It is the number of particles in a mole of any substance

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How many people are affected by drugs each year?

Millions of people are affected by drugs each year, including those who struggle with addiction, substance abuse disorders, and drug-related health issues. The exact number varies depending on the region and specific drug in question.

Any substance that contains Avogadro's number of particles is called a?

Any substance that contains Avogadro's number of particles is called a mole. A mole is a unit in chemistry that represents 6.022 x 10^23 particles, which is the number of atoms or molecules in 1 mole of a substance.

Where is the nearest substance abuse counseling program in the zip code, 94509?

Addiction Research and Trt (BAART) California Detoxification Programs are located in Antioch and can help with a variety of substance abuses. Their phone number is: (925) 522-0124.

How many kids get addicted a year?

There is no specific number for how many kids get addicted each year, as addiction rates can vary depending on the substance and location. However, it is important to note that addiction among youth is a significant issue that requires attention and prevention efforts.

What are some symptoms of food addiction in teenagers?

Addiction is addiction; it doesn't matter if it's a food addiction, or an addition to alcohol, prescription drugs, shopping, gambling, etc. The symptoms of addiction are the same. There are certain behaviors that are common among all addicts. There are a number of online sites that discuss the signs of addiction: offers a nice overview AND specifically food addiction: -- Keep in mind that it is very common for parents to experience a great deal of denial with regard to addiction in a minor child. Denial is far easier than actually dealing with the problem. While you can gently offer them information, there is nothing you can do to fix them or your nephew. He has to come to terms with the fact that there is a problem, then his parents must do the same before anyone can get help.

What can you say about the methataion medicine is this very effective?

Methylation is not a known medical substance. However, methadone is often used to treat addiction, although this course of treatment presents a number of other problems.

What is the amount of substance in given unit of volume called?

The amount of substance in a given unit of volume is called concentration. It is typically expressed as the number of moles of a substance per unit volume, such as mol/L (molarity) or mol/cm³.