Syphilis is an STD that can cause sores, rashes, dementia, or blindness. The neurological effects occur only in late syphilis.
Yes, a fever is one of the many symptoms of cellulitis. Other symptoms include pain, redness, inflammation, sores, rashes, and heat on the affected area.
Pickles don't cause cold sores.
Almonds don't cause cold sores.
Ambien doesn't cause canker sores.
Herpes and syphilis are STDs that can cause sores on the mouth or genitals (or anywhere else).
Eating chili doesn't cause cold sores.
Unhealthy teeth doesn't cause you to have cold sores.
An asthma inhaler doesn't cause cold sores.
Yes stress DOES cause cold sores. I hope this answers your question.
I get canker sores from nuts. No other reaction but the pesky sores.
Yes. There is cream for cold sores though.
Getting a sun burn doesn't cause a cold sores but it can trigger break outs. The oral herpes virus is what causes cold sores.