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makes u have a great time and you have a great night!! enjoy your alchol :0

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Q: What Cause does alchol have on the body?
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What are symptoms or short-term effect of alchol?

Alchol kills some inside parts of your body

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The leading alchol-related cause of death is?

Driving under the influence.

How does alchol disinfect a wound?

The alcohol kills microbes that can cause infections.

What muscles in your body are affected by alchol first?

ur brain

What is a deadly disease that is usually cause by drinking alchol a lot?

Cirrhosis of the liver.

How does alchol affect the body?

If alcohol taken in large amount it affects all parts of body like extended alcohol can cause blood conditions like anemia or blood clotting, it also effects your brain, liver, lungs, heart and kidney.

3 diferemt reasons why drinking alchol is bad?

Alcohol can cause life - threatening harms.

What food do you need to eat to to produce alcohol in your body?

U have to consume black grapes, apples&munjal to get alchol in ur body

How does alchol affect your social health?

Well when you drink alchol it kind of controls you . So when your talking to someobody you basically say and do just about anything you wouldn't regularlly do. And that can cause losing a friend , lover or family!

Why is alcohol bad?

Alchol is bad because the chemicails inside that moves around in your body when it's in your system it is a chemicails that's not good for your body