I Would read minds so I can communicate without talking with anyone.
I would have superpower
I would change my face. It looks weird.
Currently, there is no such code. The best way would be to Hack yourself the code yourself, or if you're just a regular lazy cheater, you could use the codes for change species, change stats, change level and change item to perfectly reproduce it.
If you want to limit yourself to water only, you could change the pressure. That would greatly change the boiling point and slightly change the freezing point. If you don't care about limiting yourself to pure water, you can dissolve a salt or other substance in the water to lower the freezing point and raising the boiling point.
You might change certain things about you by meditating or studying to better yourself. You could also change things about yourself by consciously trying to correct bad habits.
Time change on a clock? You could do that yourself.
you probably could, but you would end up killing yourself.
Go to a DV Crisis Center and get counseling for yourself to help you deal with and understand this.
This is an OPINION question -- WikiAnswers cannot read your mind and see what event you would want to change. You're going to have to do this assignment by yourself.
i would just ignore them and keep walking because it doesnt matter what people say or thing about you. you cant change yourself just stay away from trouble like that. and never change yourself. BE YOURSELF!!
The only true answer you could receive, would be yourself, because there is no way you would stab yourself in the back. Your best friend will disappoint at some point or another. So stay true to yourself.
my phone number
Do your homework yourself