Proper preparation for death and techniques and ceremonies
The best way to get a job in health care is to apply for an internship position in all the health positions that require a BA in Biology.
As long as it is not severe, there are no contraindications for massage or bodywork. But if it severely deformed, then it would be a good idea to consult with their primary health care professional.
Care for them as best you can and buy some books about how to take care of them!
Good nutrition
In exactly the same way you take care of your own health. A balanced diet, regular exercise and regular check ups with the relevant vaccinations administered.
keep it clean and feed it everyday.
The best way to obtain cheap family health care would be to be employed by a company that offers it to their employees. This will help keep costs way down.
The best way to find a list of health care coverage options online is by checking at This site will offer many options for different values.
The same as any old hamster. If you look up: What is the best way to take care of a hamster? You will find a good answer.
The best way is to aviod eating beans and eggs.
Say that you'll promise to take care of it.
You try to leave it with its parents to take care of it usually that is the best way. if its an orphan, good luck. try looking on google