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Q: Wellness can be defined as
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What are the dimensions of wellness?

There are 6 dimensions in wellness. They are: 1. Physical Wellness 2. Emotional Wellness 3. Intellectual Wellness 4. Spiritual Wellness 5. Social Wellness 6. Environmental Wellness

A capacity to think critically is an example of?

A. emotional wellness B. intellectual wellness C. interpersonal and social wellness D. spiritual wellness

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Growth is defined as an increase in size; development is defined as a progression toward maturity. Thus the terms are used together to describe the complex physical, mental, and emotional processes associated with the "growing up" of children.

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What are the good qualities of good health individuals?

A person's wellness can be defined as the degree to which they express health and vitality in the physical, bio-chemical, and psychological dimensions of life. These individuals have the quality of constantly seeking ways to improve wellness--to get more out of life. This is very different from constantly wanting less of something negative.

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Greek word for wellness

How is Intellectual Wellness related to wellness?

Intellectual wellness is one of many dimensions of wellness. Intellectual wellness means to have the ability to think clearly, make sound or responsible decisions, and to accomplish a complex tasks appropriate to age and level of development. Intellectual wellness is having mental competency to respond accordingly to life's challenges.

Opposite premature death on the wellness continun is?

High Level Wellness

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Wellness (alternative medicine)Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It has been used in the context of alternative medicine since Halbert L. Dunn, M.D., began using the phrase high level wellness in the 1950s. The modern concept of wellness did not, however, become popular until the 1970s.[1]The term has been defined by the Wisconsin-based National Wellness Institute as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. This is consistent with a shift in focus away from illness in viewing human health, typical of contexts where the term wellness is used. In other words, wellness is a view of health that emphasizes the state of the entire being and its ongoing development.The phrase can also be seen as an analogue to the medical term "homeostasis"Wellness can also be described as "the constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential.Halbert L. Dunn, M.D., began using the phrase high level wellness in the 1950s, based on a series of lectures at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington, Virginia, in the United States. Dunn (196, p. 4) defined wellness as "an integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable. It requires that the individual maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment where he is functioning." He also stated that "wellness is a direction in progress toward an ever-higher potential of functioning" (p. 6).Alternative approaches to wellness are often denoted by the use of two different phrases: health and wellness, and wellness programs.These kinds of wellness programs offer alternative medicine techniques to improve wellness. Whether these techniques actually improve physical health is controversial and a subject of much debate. James Randi and the James Randi Educational Foundation are outspoken critics of this alternative new age concept of wellness. The behaviors in the pursuit of wellness often include many health related practices, such as natural therapies.Wellness, as a luxury pursuit, is found obviously in the more affluent societies because it involves managing the body state after the basic needs of food, shelter and basic medical care have already been met. Many of the practices applied in the pursuit of wellness, in fact, are aimed at controlling the side effects of affluence, such as obesity and inactivity. Wellness grew as a popular concept starting in the 19th century, just as the middle class began emerging in the industrialized world, and a time when a newly prosperous public had the time and the resources to pursue wellness and other forms of self-improvement.Description:Wellness as defined by The Foundation for Wellness Professionals is considered care without drugs that can not only eliminate health problems but prevent them. Wellness enhancement focuses on minimizing the effects of the three dimensions of stress: Physical Stress which causes nervous system irritation, Chemical Stress causing body toxicity, and Mental Stress which can induce hormonal changes namely in the Adrenal Glands.Wellness can be described as a state that combines health and happiness. Thus, those factors that contribute to being healthy and happy will also likely contribute to being well. Factors that contribute to health and happiness have long been recognized, at least since the time of Ancient Greeks. To achieve a state of wellness, one has to work on its determinants. The determinants of wellness are: better understanding of concepts like destiny, health practices, spirituality, family, environment, work, money and security, health services, social support and leisure.

When was Veria Natural Wellness created?

Veria Natural Wellness was created in 2002.