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Absolutely 100% o.k.! No glove, no love!!! I got pregnant at 15, wish the guy who did it to me had worn a condom!!!!

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Q: Wearing acondom at age 16 is ok?
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age 16

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wear what you want i mean when i was younger i wore briefs and im 18 and still am wearing briefs

Is it ok to date at the age of 16?

There are no laws about age and dating. The laws involve sexual activity. While the age of 16 is safe in most countries and states, there are others where it is higher.

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yes of course,,,,life is of 2 days dude.................just enjoy of u get chance

Should I have had a girlfriend at 16?

Of course, if you desire. It is ok to have a girlfriend at any age, but when you turn 16, new opportunities open in a relationship. It is up to you how you wish to take it. As long as you are comfortable with how you are going, everything is ok.

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Yes, the age of consent is 16 on Hawaii.

If you r 12 and your best friend who is guy is 16 and you like him is it ok and how do you find out if he likes you back?

12 and 16 is a BIG age difference!!

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Yes it is OK cause alot of 13 year old's have kidney problem's or they still wet the bed so ya it is ok and you don't need to be embaressed of that!

Is it ok if you are 14 and your boyfriend is 16 and your pregnant?

it's okay that yall are together. but you shoud not get pregnet at that age.

What is the age of a 16 gauge Browning serial OK g 364?

Not a valid Browning serial number.

Can you drink at the age of 16 in Georgia if your parents says its ok?

not legally. the law still says you have to be 21.