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well just put a little not alot cuz they might test the difference but like a 1/8 tea spoon if its a lil bowl if it medium then like 1/4 tea spoon and if its big 1/2 teaspoon and if ur one of those people that just give them a huge bucket 1 tea spoon of mouth wash not just because it will make there mouth smell good but give them a lil less plaque and that's always good. yes! i have tried this before well all the time on my 5 dogs so it is really good for, blue healers,yorkie,chocolate lab,doumasion,and a blue hound ( blue healer & hound dog) i made that name so it might not be like what people call it but i do. so all those dogs has been tested and the yorkie loves it lol. dogs might like it so much they drink it fast and throw up just water but that's fine dogs do that when they are thirsty. just let them eat some grass and they will feel good as new.

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Q: Ways to make your dogs breathe smell good?
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How good can dogs actually smell?

A dogs sense of smell is so acute that it can smell a person who was in a place days after.

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Do raccoon dogs have a good sense of smell?

yep they do

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Because dogs have a good sense of smell and hearing so they can tell where you are and where not to go.

Why need to breathe wine?

People smell wine's "bouquet", to help tell if it is good, or not.

Is the sense of smell better in small dogs or large dogs?

I can't say. All dogs have a very good sense of smell, big or small. Springer Spaniels (Small to medium sized dogs) and Bloodhounds (Large dogs) both have a good sense of smell.

How do dogs detect danger or locate their prey?

Dogs have a good sense of smell and acute hearing.

Why do dogs roll on treats?

Dogs roll on treats as a natural behavior to mask their scent with the scent of the treat, which can help them hide from potential predators or competitors when they are scavenging or storing the treat for later consumption. It may also be a way for them to express excitement and enjoyment over the treat.

What causes dogs to have good sense of smell?

Well its just how they are made

Do dogs smell fire?

Yes, dogs have a strong sense of smell and can detect the scent of smoke from a fire. They may show signs of distress or alertness when they smell fire, depending on their training and temperament. It's always important to ensure your pet's safety during a fire emergency.

Did velociraptors have good sense of smell?

According to scientists, they did. In fact, they were thought to have an even better sense of smell than dogs, and dogs' sense of smell if around 60 times better than a person's.

Dogs that have no smell?

[Supervisor's note: The question is confusing. Some are taking it to mean "Dogs that have no sense of smell," whereas I believe the intent is to identify breeds that aren't "smelly." If you asked the question, please re-word it to clarify. Thanks!]Dogs do have smell also they can smell from miles away! They also have very good smell sense they can even smell things if they don't see them!