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There have been reports of mutated animals and plants on the island yes

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Q: Was their mutated frogs at Three Mile Island?
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Why is three mile island nuclear plant called three mile island?

Because the power plants were built on an island named Three Mile Island.

We've all heard of the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island but what state is Three Mile Island in?


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What radioactive material was released at Three Mile Island?

Krypton-85 (85Kr36) was released at Three Mile Island.

Who was president during Three Mile Island?

The president at the time of the Three Mile Island nuclear incident was Jimmy Carter.

Where and when did the nuclear meltdown at three mile island happen?

The Three Mile Island accident was a nuclear meltdown which occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979.

How big is three mile island nuclear facility?

the facility a three mile island takes up most of the island, so it is about 2 or 3 miles square

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In what ways did the incident at Three Mile Island differ from that at Chernobyl?

The Three Mile Island incident in 1979 was a partial meltdown resulting from equipment malfunctions and operator errors, with no immediate fatalities and limited off-site impact. In contrast, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 was a full-scale meltdown caused by a flawed reactor design and operator errors, resulting in immediate deaths, widespread radioactive contamination, and long-term health and environmental consequences.

In what state is Three Mile Island located?


Why was Three Mile Island built?

For production of electricity.

What river is three mile island on?

Three Mile Island is in the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. The nuclear power plant is about 12 miles southeast of the center of the city of Harrisburg.