No, Rizzo's love interest in the movie is Kenicke, Danny's best friend, but they also allude to the fact that Danny and Rizzo have a history, however brief it may have been.
Leo balmudo
Maraschino, as in cherry
Perfume. Marty did so as a romantic gesture to the one she was writing it to, her boyfriend, the marine. She seems to have others, however, and she was described by Rizzo, I think, as a "one woman U.S.O.".
Yes of course it is!
Marty is a minor character and has many lines - spoken and sung.
Dinah Manoff
rizzo, Jan, frenchie, Marty
Rizzo's real name is Joan Jedell. She gained fame as a news producer and gossip columnist in New York City.
Vince (in Grease)
Vince Fontaine
Rizzo, Frenchie,Jan and Marty