Jackie Gleason was a wonderful, intelligent, comical, handsome, rich, and religious man. So yes, he was a racist.
No, Jackie Gleason is not single.
Jackie Gleason married to Genevieve Halford in 1936 Jackie Gleason married to Beverly McKittrick in 1970 Jackie Gleason married to Marilyn Taylor in 1975
Jackie Gleason married to Genevieve Halford in 1936 Jackie Gleason married to Beverly McKittrick in 1970 Jackie Gleason married to Marilyn Taylor in 1975
Jackie Gleason has 2 children
Yes, Jackie Gleason has 2 kids.
Yes, Jackie Gleason has 2 kids.
Jackie Gleason has 2 children
Jackie Gleason was born on February 26, 1916.
Jackie Gleason was born on February 26, 1916.
Jackie Gleason was born on February 26, 1916
Jackie Gleason died of cancer. I heard he died of a heart attack
Jackie Gleason was talking about Elvis