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15y ago

Let him know that you love him enough to bring a child into both your lives that will be part of each of you. Let him know that most of all you want him to be the father of your child. In which case you are also pretty much saying that you want to marry him so don't be surprised if he asks you.

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14y ago

well that means having sex right say sure i guess if you want to.

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14y ago

You say to your boyfriend, "Honey, I am six weeks pregnant."

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12y ago

you have to just be like baby I'm going to have a baby you are going to be a daddy unless it's not his if it is not his then you tell the daddy of the baby

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16y ago

You do it through open, honest, and direct communication. Still, do this when the two of you are alone, with no outside interference.

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13y ago

you ask him.

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Q: Want a baby but your boyfriend wants to wait how do you convince him to have a baby?
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How can you tell if your boyfriend wants to have a baby with you?

If he doesn't want to wear a condom during sex.

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There are a couple of options. You can give birth and terminate your parental rights therefore letting the father have full custody. Or you can find an agency you want to use ( is great) and your case worker can help convince the father.

You want a baby but your boyfriend wants to wait?

There's nothing wrong with waiting. Maybe he's not ready to be a father.

How can you tell your boyfriend that you want a baby?

just tell them right out....I want a baby with you

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You steal his fluids from any part, and send them to a test!

Can your boyfriend keep my baby since we dont have a legal agreement?

If you want him to, sure. Unless you or the father says otherwise and wants to drag the matter to court.

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well, you have to choose between the baby and the guy...i would keep the baby and leave the boyfriend and later take him to court...

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Go For It. Aslong As She Doesnt Get The Baby Pictures Out

How do you tell your boyfriend that you want his baby?

By marrying him.

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Your Baby Boy!

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tell him there will be a Happy Ending and he'll sleep like a baby

What if your boyfriend wants you to have his child?

you might want to get better aquanted with his family and friends and or I don't know...GET MARRIED! tell me when the big bash is, I have the perfect baby shower gift for you!:)