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Walking is an example of isotonic type of contraction. These are contractions which will force the length of the muscle to change and cause movement.

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Q: Walking is an example of which type of contraction?
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Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.

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isotonic contraction!

What is isometric movement?

Isotonic contraction results in shortening of the muscle, leading to movement. In Isometric contraction, as the name implies, there is no change in length of the muscle. Thus, it can't lead to any movement. However, Isometric contraction adds or removes power from a movement, thus facilitating or retarding it. This, facilitation and retardation itself gives us a feeling of movement, for example walking, even in the total absence of actual movement i.e. walking. This feeling of movement induced by isometric contraction is known as Isometric movement. We use isometric movements in thinking and dreaming.

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