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We would infact, cll our sisters son your nephew and they would call you either auntie or uncle depending on your sex.

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Q: WHAT WE call sisters son?
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What you can call your fathers sisters son?

Your cousin.

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Why we call our mrother's sister son?

Our cousins are our mothers sisters son :)

what do we call your sisters son?

My sister's son is my nephew.

What we call your sisters sons?

My sister's son is my nephew.

What we will call sisters son as?

If your sister had a son, then he is your nephew.

What should you cal your sisters kid?

You would call your sister's son your nefu and her daughter neice.

What do you call your god fathers sisters son?

Your father's sister is your aunt. Her son is your first cousin. Her grandson is your first cousin, once removed.

What am I to my sisters son son?

Uncle or Auntie.

What relationship is to your sisters son?

Your sister's son is your nephew and you are his aunt (if you are female) or his uncle (if you are male.

What do you call perents sisters?

you call your parents sisters aunty