Terry has a funny little facial twitch, which gets worse when he is nervous.
What is Twitch? (that is a sentence.)
"The whiskers on your kitten" is the subject of the sentence, and "twitch" is the predication.
The twitch in his eye was driving him crazy.
Whenever he was using drugs, his face would twitch spasmodically.
The muscle above my eyebrow has an annoying twitch; it doesn't hurt but it's very distracting.
Slow twitch
the whiskers on
The patient had a twitch because the axon was misfiring in the brain.
In a lot of his performances in the 90's he use to twitch a lot especially when he was high.
Sprints like 100- 400 meters use the most fast twitch fibers.
The man had involuntary tremors in his hands. Police can make an involuntary commitment to a hospital if a person seems to be a danger to themselves or others. A twitch is an involuntary motor reaction of the nervous system.
Strength and power exercise like weight lifting requires the explosive release of energy yielded by fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscles are involved in endurance activity.