She danced gracefully, with her slender arms used to beautiful effect.
The princess gracefully demurred. I couldn't understand why she demurred. She demurred so quietly, that I could only read her eyes.
The ballet dancer moved elegantly and gracefully across the stage.
Gracefully is an adverb.
After I helped uncle Sam , he gracefully gave me a 10$ bill.
( Glinda danced gracefully. ) is a simple sentence. It is not a question, but a statement. It is not a command. The sentence has an adverb that describes how Glinda danced.
I thought that the speech which he gave was both informative and eloquent.ok here it goes:I know how to use eloquent in a sentence.that was the sentence :PSpeakinq | Writtinq GracefulLy .
Yes! Dance requires a lot of hard work and talent.
The people in need are gracious to receive donations and volunteers.
my coach is gracefully umpire
Yes. There are many possibilities. Apollo, the great god of sun and poetry, played gracefully on his lyre.