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Q: Two ways a person can gain active immunity?
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What is are the ways of getting artifically acquired active immunity?

You can get it from vaccines.

What are the two ways that people can be immunized against specific disease?

passive and active immunity

What are two ways in which active immunity can be acquired?

Active immunity can be acquired through natural exposure to an infectious agent, which triggers the body's immune response to produce antibodies. It can also be acquired through vaccination, where the immune system is exposed to a weakened or inactivated form of the pathogen, leading to the production of antibodies without causing illness.

What are two ways active immunity is produced?

1. mother to fetus2. Through exposure to the antigen(virus, toxins,or cancer cells).

4 ways you can acquire immunity of antibodies?

Active (your body produces the t-cells and b-cells): Natural- by means of infection Artificial - Passive- (develops in another person and is transferred): Natural - maternal Artificial - immunization

What are 5 ways how can a person can gain IT experience?

going to collage or something like that

What are ways in which a person can gain U.S. citizenship?

They must either be born in the United States or they must pass the citizenship test.

What are ways to be active?

there are many ways to be active you can play sports jog run or even just walk.

How many ways can you get a coldsore?

Skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus.

What are the 2 ways of earning profits from stock?

Interest and capital gain are two ways of earning gain from stock.

What are the ways to receive passive immunity?

Natural passive immunity can be reached through the passing of mother's antibodies through the placenta or through milk during breastfeeding. These types of passive immunity only last for about 3 months after birth. Artificial passive immunity can be reached through intravenous injection of antibodies.

What are some common ways for a person with no friends to gain some?

There are many ways to make friends. A person could join and Organisation involved in activities in which they have an interest. Alternatively joining a Sports Team of Gym is a great way to meet people.