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Q: Twenty-six vertebrae in a body
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What part of the body has vertebrae?

The part of the body that has vertebrae is the spine. The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae which provides support to the body and protects the spinal cord.

Where are the vertebrae in a human body?

The spine is made up of vertebrae.

What structure is the missing body of the second body of the cervical vertebrae?

The cervical vertebrae do not have ribs attached.

What is twentysix ninths as a decimal?

2.8888888 repeating

Where are the vertebrae on the body?

the vertebrae compose the spinal column (ie your back bone).

What is twentysix divided by eight?

26 / 8 = 3.25

What is a twentysix sided figure called?

Escher rocks

Which part of your body has a vertebrae?

Actually that is good question come to think of it your backbone (spine) is a vertabrae and that is the only vertebrae in your body.

How many lumber vertebrae human body have?

A human body typically has 5 lumbar vertebrae, which are located in the lower back region, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. These vertebrae are larger and sturdier to support the weight of the upper body and provide flexibility for movement.

Where in the body would you find the vertebrae?

Individual vertebrae make up the spinal cord.