Eye movements are accomplished by the Extraocular Muscles. The muscle that moves the eye medially is the Medial Rectus.
The inferior rectus muscle is responsible for turning the eye downward and medially.
Superior Rectus
The Medial Rectus.
A total of six muscle move each eyeball, 4 rectus muscels and 2 obliques. The superior, inferior, lateral and medial rectal muscle all pull the eye to be looking more in ther own direction. The superior oblique pulls the eye to look down and laterally and the inferior oblique pull the eye to look um and medialy.
The medial rectus muscle is responsible for moving the eyeball medially by contracting. This muscle is one of the extraocular muscles that control eye movements.
yes medially
The "Subscapularis" This muscle rotates the arm medially (sub = below, scapulo = shoulderblade)
Trick question! Inferior Rectus and Superior Oblique. You sneaky person you :)
it turns blue
Yes, the linea alba runs medially at the point where the abdominal aponeuroses join.
The impairment of vision in the lazy eye occurs in three phases. In the first (suspension) phase, the brain turns the weaker eye on and off. In the second (suppression) phase, the brain turns off the lazy eye indefinitely.
because you are irritating the eye