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True: Stressors is any agent that causes stress to an organism

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Q: True or false Situations that produce stress are called stressors?
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Situations that produce stress are called stressors?

yes its called stressors :) ofcourse

Is it true that Situations that produce stress are called stressors?

Yes, that is correct. Situations or events that trigger the body's stress response are known as stressors. These can be physical, emotional, or environmental factors that lead to feelings of stress.

What is The physical or mental demands that cause stress are called?

A stressor is anything that causes stress. People, objects, places, events, and situations are all potential stressors. There are five different types of stressors that can contribute to the physical or mental demands that cause stress. These are, Biological stressors, Environmental stressors, cognitive (thinking) stressors, personal behavior stressors, and Life situation stressors.

An individual's response to environmental stressors is?


What type of stress can stressors cause?

Eustress, Distress

What is environmental stressors?

The factors in your physical environment that stress you.

What will a combination of combat and operational stressors produce?

Being away from home and loved ones, trying to stay alive

What two types of stress can stressors cause?

Eustress, Distress

What are post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder?

symptomatic reactions to extreme traumatic stressors (war, natural or transportation disasters, criminal assault, abuse, hostage situations, etc.) and differ chiefly in the time frame in which the symptoms develop

The first key to stress management is?

Taking control of your responses to stressors

What is the difference between good and bad stress?

Whether stress is good or bad is very unique to an individual. Things that cause you stress, often called stressors, are dealt with by using coping skills. Coping skills are simply your actions in

Combat Stress can be described as?

anxiety, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite