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14y ago

truth questions to ask a boy are 1st say - have u ever kissed a girl 2nd-is he a virgin 3rd- and end it wit (if u like him) "ok have u ever had a crush on me"?

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Q: Trtuh questions to ask a boy?
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he will ask you something like are you in a relationship, do you fancy anyone or he would ask what type of boys you like and then he will see if you answer it about him.

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maybe......what was it like growing up?....... it depends if you are a boy or a girl, obviously for a girl there would be a hell of a lot more questions but if your a boy just ask simple but affective ones xxx

What do you ask a boy?

You could ask a boy about his favorite hobbies, interests, or what he's looking forward to. It's important to ask open-ended questions that allow him to share more about himself.

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Ask a boy athlete, do you take steroids? Ask a girl athlete, has your menstrual cycle started? Boy-what brand of equipment do you recommend(same for girl). Bones broken, ?

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just what are the reasons of why you like me

How do you know if a online boy loves you?

ask him questions than if he has a girl than ask him out ps make sure u really know him

What are some truth questions i can ask a boy to see who he fancy's?

Dont use the word fancy's and who "who do you like?"