say something possitive
Abusers are bad. Period. It is common for someone who has been abused to feel lonely when the abuser becomes absent, but it is because of the stress of change. If you feel yourself running back to your abuser, get help. The situation will only escalate otherwise.
because u feel that you just let someone down, and feel bad that you rejected someone
they feel bad when they are not with jb they feel good when jb is with them
It makes them feel bad and Angry
what do feel is an acceptable amount of days to be absent in a calendar year
A bad person is someone who habitually makes others feel bad or hurts others.
When you feel empathy for someone you in a sence feel bad for them or feel how they feel.
Tell him/her how you feel. but try to be nice.
Quelqu'un est absent is a French equivalent of 'Someone is absent'. The words in French are pronounced 'kehl-keh-neh-tahb-sawnt'.In the word by word translation, the masculine indefinite noun 'quelqu'un' means 'someone, somebody'. The verb 'est'means '[he/she/it] is'. The masculine adjective 'absent'means 'absent, not here or there, missing'.
a bragger is someone who constantly boasts on their accommplishments or possesions in order to make someone else feel bad.
No-Empty refers to a container with nothing in it. Absent just means someone is not present at some event or location-like absent from school.
Because what you said made her feel bad and seeing someone you love makes you feel bad. It makes you feel bad that you've said that now you think she disrespects you or loves you less.