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Q: To determine heart rate a student should count the pulsations per minute in?
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A student wants to perform an investigation to determine the heart rate of a rabbit The teacher tells her the heart rate should be about 100 beats per minute How could this information affect the in?

a. it could introduce bias

How many words per minute should a 7th grade student read?


Should intelligence tests affect how schools handle student?

No. Intelligence tests cannot determine how sucessful a student can be.

How do you grade a paper?

Look at what the student/person did, and then you can determine what the person's score should be.

How many words a minute should a high school student be able to read?

By 9th grade a student should be able to read 219 WPM with comprehension. By 12th grade, 261 WPM.

How many words per minute should a high school student be able to read?

By 9th grade a student should be able to read 219 WPM with comprehension. By 12th grade, 261 WPM.

Why should Georgia should eliminate the graduation test?

Becausr it put alot of pressure on the student and the student may think to hard or just blank out because they know that determine if they graduate or not.

Pay Less with Subsidized Student Loans?

When taking out subsidized student loans, a student should not automatically assume he or she is getting free money. A student should research the interest rate on the loans and figure out what the payment schedule will be upon graduation. Knowing this information will help a student determine the type of career he or she may need.

How many words a minute should a first grader read?

A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.

Has four sides and four right angles?

Square but you should really take a minute and determine if math is the right path for you It can be a rectangle too.

Anticipate College Funding?

One way a student can prepare for college is by anticipating college funding. Anticipating college funding allows a student to figure out how much he or she will be able to afford for college. This can then determine the types of schools that a student ultimately should apply to. Financial concerns should always be a priority for students.

Is a multiple choice a valid test to determine a manipulative skill?

A multiple choice test is usually not valid to determine learning of manipulative skills. Instead, the student should be able to manipulate the items to prove mastery.