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Q: This structure is designed for carrying eggs and young?
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What is the male turtles responsibility when it comes to carrying for his young?

No, and hardly the female either. When the eggs hatch, the small ones are on their own.

Do parakeets get aggressive when carrying eggs?

yes, like most parakeets become aggressive when they are carrying young. But come on dudes and dudettes how is it possible for the keet not to get offensive bacc away from the huevos

Why do bees have queens?

It is part of their social structure. She is the only one to lay eggs so they would die without a Queen.

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Emmett is carrying a tray of food at lunch in "Twilight".

What if morning dove eggs get wet?

So long as the egg has not remained in liquid for long, and has not become cooled by the water, the chick should be fine. Bird eggs are designed to keep water out, but prolonged exposure can harm the young.

What does a mosquito do after feeding?

The mosquito will nourish the eggs it is carrying with the blood.

Does the female python give give birth to its young or are its young hatched from eggs?

hatched from eggs

Are rattlensnakes born alive?

Despite what the expert answer says, YES - rattlesnakes ARE born alive. Although many other snakes and reptiles lay eggs (i.e. are oviparous), female rattlesnakes give birth to live young after carrying eggs inside (i.e. are ovoviviparous). The eggs are retained inside the mother until the birth of the babies.

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How do African cochlid fish breed?

most africans carry there young in there mouth until there big enough to live by themselves then the female or male (some fish share the carrying of there young) will displace them into a safe area. some africans will lay there eggs the male will fertilise and leave them were the female laid them and tend to stay in that area and protect there eggs.

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