It would not be mean to be straightforward with her, if you can do so without blaming her for being oblivious to the hints you have provided. Otherwise, ignoring her, or finding another way to go to class so that she doesn't see you should eventually reduce her focus.
Ignore them.
It depends.If he/she is like really annoying just ignore him/her
An annoying person is usually looking for attention. The best way to annoy them is to ignore them. If they continue to annoy you, ask them to leave or you can leave yourself.
Even though this may be the last thing that you might wanna hear, you can't really ignore them. I have an annoying sibling myself, but what I try to do is to just zone her out sometimes, have time to myself.
Ignore them. By acting like them all you do show how small you are and also have a problem.
Just forget about them. Pretend they aren't there and just ignore their presence annoying as in just talk a lot then you just ignore them and act like you are very much into what you are doing at the moment. if you mean annoying as in they make fun of you so much then just think of it as they are totally jealous of you, and wish they could be as awesome as you. :)
Try to ignore him and act like you dont care...but if this doesnt work then tell him to stop and to leave you alone! If he still doesnt stop then tell a teacher or an adult.
I've had that happen >:P The best way to deal with it is to ignore it... if it gets really annoying beat him/her up xD
You have to be nice to them well obviously.But even if there annoying or mean to you just ignore them.If there just really annoying you tell them nice at first to stop then tell them in a more serious voice but not mean
It's really annoying.
E.G. he is really annoying me=You are really annoying me