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Things to say to ur GF:)

Give me ur phone and I'll call to u tonight mon amour! ^^

Let's talk in MSN with webcam mon amour? xD

Let's mark a date facetoface Mon amourcookie? ^^

Cause i want kiss u! >33

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Q: Things to say to attract a girl in distance relationships?
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You can't attract every girl. Everyone likes different things. Just be yourself.

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It does not hurt to smell good but hopefully you have other good things about you to attract a girl.

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Dont try to attract a girl just be yourself and maybe they will be attracted to you. but you have to know if they are lesbians too!

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think of things that would make her smile and send some kisses :) just keep her interested

How do you keep a girl when your in a long distance relationship?

Normally, long distance relationships dont work out too well but the best way too keep a girl in a long distance relationship is to call or text her every morning and night, just to make her feel that you are there for her, although separated by large distances.

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The best way to attract an older girl, or any girl for that matter, is to be yourself. It will be to your advantage if you are mature, sensible and not afraid to approach her.

How do you attract girl form a distance?

you lick your lips while looking at her, and flip your hair like rico suave. (even if u dont have any, pretend)

How do you attract the girl next door?

To attract a girl you like, you should be yourself. She will probably give you a chance if you are nice and honest.

How can you steal a girl from her long time boyfriend they are in a long distance relationship for 3 years but you know the girl from way way there any chance?

Stop trying to ruin relationships and try finding a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend.

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Be yourself and have fun

How do you entertain a girl how to attract her?

Depends on what her interests are, if she likes Star Wars and gaming, you've got the best girl ever. But try being polite and just chat about everyday things.