Things that affect blood pressure are the following age,cholesterol,sodium,weight, pain
and when your pregnant cause normally there will be 30% added in your blood volume to circulate and activities. When your old , the blood vessels looses their elasticity, if you have high cholesterol, BP is up because of the the plaques that narrowed your blood vessel that might lead to stroke, when you have high sodium there is water retention that may damage the kidneys and BP will shoot up, if in pain BP rises and if you had a vigorous exercise of course your heart is working a lot and more force of blood in the ventricles.
solar tides are tides thst effect the ocean tides
well you use the bottens and things like thst
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its a word thst means cool.
what is the monomer thst forms proteins
Thst say Chicago x
answer for this id thst you get high ppary
a fish thst lives in the ponds and seas
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