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the clip and the light that you are talking about is a pulse oximeter and this machine measure the hemoglobin that is bind to oxygen in your blood. The hemoglobin is what transport oxygen to your cells and tissues. If you have a low hemoglobin level but they're all bind to oxygen the reading will be good but your tissues and cells are not receiving enough oxygen. That can be one of the reason you're feeling you don't get enough air.

Otherwise it could be because of congestion in your lungs even if you're getting enough oxygen.

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Q: They put the clip on your finger and oxygen levels are good but you feel like you can not breath and are congested. What could be the cause?
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Oxygen levels are typically measured using a device called a pulse oximeter, which clips onto a person's finger and uses light to determine the amount of oxygen in the blood. Another method is through blood gas analysis, where a blood sample is taken and analyzed in a lab to determine the oxygen levels.

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A good way to measure dissolved oxygen levels in the human body would be to use a pulse oximeter. It is a little device that you can put on a finger or toe to get the measurement.

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Oxygen levels in the blood are typically measured using a device called a pulse oximeter. This device clips onto a person's finger and uses light to measure the level of oxygen saturation in the blood. The reading is expressed as a percentage, with normal levels typically ranging from 95-100%.

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