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there are 2 trochanters (greater and lesser) both are prominences found on the upper aspect of the femur (thigh bone) between the shaft and neck. Strong muscles attach here to move the leg in certain directions

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Q: The trochanter is process found on the?
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Large process below the neck of the femur?

Greater trochanter

What is the bony process on the femur?

The femur is the long bone of the leg. The two large processes of the proximal femur are the greater and lesser trochanter.

What attaches the greater trochanter to lesser trochanter?

The greater trochanter is attached to the lesser trochanter by large tendons.

What is the medical term meaning in large process?

Many: trochanter, tubercle or tuberosity.

On which bone would the greater trochanter be found?

Femur-the thigh bone.

A large rough projection of a bone found only on the femur is a?

the greater trochanter

What bones have trochanters?

The trochanter is part of the femur (thigh bone) that is connected to the hip bone in a human. It can refer to the greater trochanter, the lesser trochanter or the third trochanter.

The two large processes of the proximal femur are the greater and lesser?

greater trochanter and lesser trochanter

What is the large proximal projection on the femur?

Trochanter. A large, rough projection.trochanter

What is a bone projection?


Do femur and humerus bones have trochanchanters?

Just the femur has a trochanter. It has a greater and a lesser trochanter. They give depth and stability to the joint.

What does a trochanter do?

The trochanter is a bone feature of the tibia, it interacts with the femur. Its function is to aid in the stability of the knee joint.First there are two trochanters. most simply called the Greater(the larger of the two) Trochanter and the Lesser(smaller of the two) Trochanter. Most of the time the "bump" you feel on the outside of your hip/upper leg is the Greater Trochanter. As with most "bumps' on bones ,the trochanters serves as anchor attachments for the muscles in hip/leg/buttock area. Among those muscles that insert to the Greater trochanter are the the Gluteus Minimus. Gluteus Medius, and Prirformis among others. Hope this helps