there are 2 trochanters (greater and lesser) both are prominences found on the upper aspect of the femur (thigh bone) between the shaft and neck. Strong muscles attach here to move the leg in certain directions
Greater trochanter
The bony process on the femur is called the greater trochanter. It serves as an attachment site for muscles that move the hip and thigh.
intercondylar fossa
Many: trochanter, tubercle or tuberosity.
Femur-the thigh bone.
the greater trochanter
The intertrochanteric line attaches the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter on the femur. This line serves as a point of attachment for various muscles that play a role in hip movement and stabilization.
The femur bone has trochanters. The greater trochanter is located at the top of the femur where the hip muscles attach, and the lesser trochanter is located on the inner side of the femur where the thigh muscles attach.
greater trochanter and lesser trochanter
Trochanters are large, bony protrusions found on the femur bone in the thigh. There are two trochanters - the greater trochanter, which is located on the side of the femur, and the lesser trochanter, which is located on the back of the femur. The trochanters serve as attachment points for muscles that move the hip and thigh.
Just the femur has a trochanter. It has a greater and a lesser trochanter. They give depth and stability to the joint.
The greater trochanter is a lateral structure of the femur.