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The cerebellum is involved in coordination and fine-tuned movement. It has many inhibitory neurons which help to make small adjustments to motor control signals sent down the spine, controlling movement.

In the case of athletes, these small movements can mean big differences in direction, strength, etc. in how one makes a Golf putt, swings a bat, throws a ball, etc..

Without these fine adjustments, all of our gestures and actions would be gross movements (flailing of arms and legs, and the overaction seen in infants whom haven't yet developed fine motor control yet).

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Q: The role of cerebellum in athletics?
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The cerebellum is part of the what?

The cerebellum is part of the brain, specifically the hindbrain. It plays a crucial role in coordinating motor movements, balance, and posture.

What are the roles of the cerebellum and cerebrum in athletics?

The cerebellum (the part of the brain that processes movement) has clear pathways to the parts of the brain involved in memory, attention, spatial perception, language, complex emotional behavior, and decision making.

Which part of the cerebellum is the oldest one?

The vermis is considered the oldest part of the cerebellum, evolutionarily speaking. It plays a vital role in controlling posture and balance.

What part of the brain plays a major role in muscle coordination and posture and balance?

The cerebellum is the area that helps control balance and motor coordination and the coordination of thinking processes. This area undergoes great change and growth during the teenage years.cerebellum The Cerebellum

What is the cerebellum's role in facilitating movement?

The cerebellum sends out electrical signals to modify movements as they progress, "sculpting" the barrage of voluntary commands into a tightly controlled, constantly evolving pattern

Does the cerebellum play a role in learning?

Yes, the cerebellum plays a crucial role in motor learning and coordination. It helps process information related to balance, movement, and posture, aiding in the learning and refinement of motor skills through practice and repetition.

Major division of the brain - regulates motor control?

The major division of the brain that regulates motor control is the cerebellum. It plays a key role in coordinating voluntary movements, balance, and posture. Damage to the cerebellum can result in loss of coordination and motor skills.

What is most concerned with motor coordination and equilibrium?

The cerebellum is most concerned with motor coordination and equilibrium. It plays a key role in coordinating voluntary movements, maintaining balance, and adjusting posture. Damage to the cerebellum can lead to problems with coordination, balance, and gait.

Cerebellum what is?

plays the important part in your emotional behavior