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Q: The receptors of the inflation reflex are most sensitive to?
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How far can a lung stretch?

For an adult male, the most a lung can hold is about 6 liters of air. There is a reflex in the body that will prevent overstretching of the lungs. This is called the Hering–Breuer inflation reflex which is triggered by receptors on the surface of the lung and carried via the Vagus nerve.

Which receptors are the most sensitive to blood chemistry changes?


Industries most sensitive to inflation-induced profits are those?

Industries that are most sensitive to inflation include banks and other financial institutions. Since they make money by lending money, inflation hurts them first.

If you are like most people you will be LEAST sensitive to pressure originating from the?

You will be least sensitive to pressure originating from the proprioceptors in your joints and muscles. These receptors are responsible for detecting body position and movement, and are not as sensitive to external pressure compared to touch receptors in the skin.

Why do your fingertips have the most sensory receptors?

because the face and finger tips are alot more sensitive.

What factors are most important in triggering the changes in breathing rate?

Chemicals - most important are the concentrations of CO2, hydrogen ions and O2 in the blood. Chemoreceptors are located in the respiratory center, the carotid bodies and the aortic bodies which detect the levels. Inflation Reflex- stretch receptors in the visceral pleurae are sensitive to the degree of stretching by the lungs. Higher Brain Centers - Impulses from higher brain centers may affect respiratory center. Body Temperature - an increase in body temp, increases the breathing rate.

Where are touch receptors most concentrated?

Touch receptors are most concentrated on areas of the skin that are most sensitive to touch, such as the fingertips, lips, and palms of the hands. These areas have a higher density of touch receptors, allowing for more precise and detailed tactile sensations to be detected.

Where are most sensory receptors located?

In the human being, it is the eye. Hence the ancient method of "stick a needle in your eye" to prove death. No reflex, no life.

Where are the most sensitive areas of the air passages located?

I think the mucous membrane of the carina by the larynx and bronchi because it triggers the cough reflex.

What two sense organs have receptors sensitive to chemicals?

The sense organs that have receptors sensitive to chemicals are the nose and the tongue. In the nose, olfactory receptors detect chemical molecules in the air, allowing us to smell, while taste buds on the tongue detect chemical molecules in food, allowing us to taste.

What receptors are most important in reading Braille?

The Meissner's corpuscles are the most important receptors in reading Braille. These specialized nerve endings are found in the fingertips and are especially sensitive to tactile stimulation, making them well-suited for detecting the fine details of raised dots used in Braille.

What cutaneous receptors are the most numerous?

Simple Pain receptors.