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10 times per minute

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Q: The number of times a hedgehog heart beat?
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What is the number of the headgehog's heart beat per minute?

A domesticated hedgehog's beats about 300 times a minute.

How many times can a hedgehog's heart beat in one minute?


What is a heghogs heart beat when its hibernating?

A hedgehog's heart beat when its hibernating is so slow you would think it dead- about three times a minute, i think.

How many times does a hedgogs heart beat a minute?

A hedgehog's heart rate can approach 300 beats per minute.thanks A hedgehog's heart rate can approach 300 beats per minute.thanks

How many times does a hedjhogs hart beat per minut?

The heart rate of a hedgehog (or any animal) is dependent on a number of environmental factors. But on average, studies have shown that a hedgehog's resting heart rate is in the range of 190 to 280 beats per minute and about 147 beats per minute when sleeping.

How fast does a hedgehog's heart beat go?

1 second

What is the medical term meaning the number of times a minute the heart beat is felt on the arterial wall?

The pulse rate is the number of times you can feel the heart beat.99You are descibing the pulse, or heart rate.

What is the average heart beat of a hedgehog per minute?

At a rate of 200 to 300 beats per minute, the total for an hour would be 12000 to 15000 beats.

How many time does a hegehog's heart beat every minute?

A hedgehog's heart beats 190 times a minute on average and drops to only 20 beats per minute during hibernation.

How many times does the heart beat during a single heart beat cycle?

2 times

How many times does a the heart beat for a skunk?

how many times does a skunks heart beat per minute

How many heart beats does a hedgehog do per minutes?

The heart rate of a hedgehog (or any animal) is dependent on a number of environmental factors. But on average, studies have shown that a hedgehog's resting heart rate is in the range of 190 to 280 beats per minute and about 147 beats per minute when sleeping.190 to 280 times per minuite!This depends on if the hedgehog is in hibernation mode or not. A hedgehog with normal activity who is not in hibernation mode has approximately 190 beats per minute. On the other hand, a hedgehog who has gone into hibernation mode will sometimes be mistaken for a hedgehog who has passed. His body temperature will drop 20% or more and his heart rate will be as low as 20 beats per minute. He will also be lethargic and may be extremely hard to wake up.Hedgehogs normal heart beat is around 190 per minute but when they hibernate, their heart beat falls dramatically to 20 beats per minute.