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Reflex Arc

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Hettie Walker

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Q: The neural pathway of a single reflex is called?
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What is the neural pathway of a single reflex called?

The neural pathway of a single reflex is called a reflex arc. It involves the sensory neuron carrying information from the receptor to the spinal cord, where it synapses with a motor neuron that carries the response signal to the effector muscle or organ. This simple pathway allows for rapid, involuntary responses to stimuli.

What kind of circuit do you have when all resistors are in a single pathway?

its called a complete circuit

Slr and tlr camera?

Single Lens Reflex Twin Lens Reflex

In photography what does R stand for SLR cameras?

Reflex. - Single Lens Reflex

What does dslr stand for?

As you probably have guessed, the term 'DSLR' is an abbreviation. Digital Single Lens Reflex is the full term. In most cameras, there is a mirror inside. That's basically what it means, though I do think this answer requires an edit.

What is neural compression?

Neural compression syndrome is a medical condition where you have pressure on a single nerve. This will cause pain, numbness, and tingling.

Single pathway of feeding relationships?


Is the Canon Rebel a SLR?

no it is a DSLR a SLR is a Single Lens Reflex camrea that acceps film and a DSLR is a Digital Single Lens Reflex camrea that is digital

Does neural processing input either travel along one single pathway to a specific destination or it travels along several different pathways to integrate in different cns regions but not both?

Neural processing can involve both serial processing where information travels in a linear pathway to a specific destination, as well as parallel processing where information travels along multiple pathways to integrate in different regions of the central nervous system. These processes can occur simultaneously and play a role in the complex functioning of the brain.

What is ment by SLR?

Single Lens Reflex camera

Do Best Buy stores sell Digital single lens reflex cameras?

Yes , they do. Digital Single Lens Reflex is DSLR camera, You wil get plenty of options there.

What does SLR stand for in digital SLR cameras?

Digital SLR referes to "digital single-lens reflex." This terminology is often used when speaking about cameras. Such cameras can allow the photographer to change lenses as he or she sees fit.